Tag Archives: dog poem.

Poems by Able Writers #1

Over the next few days I will be sharing some of the excellent poems written by children who came to the Able Writers Workshop I ran at a school on 8th March. The poems all appear by permission of their authors.

The Able Writers Scheme is run by the National Education Trust. Six primary schools work together to run three author days with the same (usually) group of children. The able writers then share what they have done with their own schools. This means many more children benefit. The trust has some excellent children’s authors on its list including Brian Moses, Fred Sedgwick, Jan Dean, and me. I have now completed four placements for them: each one has been different and each has been a joy.

The Fire Dragon in the Airing Cupboard

In the airing cupboard
there’s a purple fire dragon
that refuses to come out.
That’s why I store my washing
in the bath.

In the airing cupboard
there’s a purple fire dragon
that refuses to come out
and when I do my hovering
I can hear the footsteps
of the dragon.

In the airing cupboard
there’s a purple fire dragon
that refuses to come out.
And the other day
he set all my washing on fire
so I am clothesless.


My Dog

My dog is a chat chaser
a tail wagger and a bumsniffer
a quick mover, a poo-eater and a kennel hater.
He comes in and settles down to sleep
cause he is a sleep-lover.

At tea, he hears the cutlery
and pounces at me
cause he is a child lover.
I love my dog.
Bark monster wakes me,
he runs downstairs,
grabs his slipper
cause he is a slipper chewer.
My dog is a cute machine.

By Megan
Primary School.

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Filed under Children's Poetry, Writing challenges