Angela Topping’s Poetry in Education

My poems are being used in the classroom:

‘After the Earthquake’ is included in a Geography textbook as an example of how it feels to be an earthquake victim.

‘The Butcher’s Shop’ is a set poem in the anthology Food Glorious Food set for English Language and Literature Advanced Level.

‘ How to Capture a Poem’ is included in a GCSE textbook.

‘The Athlete’s Dream’ was quoted on this year’s National Poetry Day poem cards.


Primary schools study my book The New Generation (Salt 2010) and a free teacher pack is available to any school which books me for readings or workshops.

I am on a ist of poets recommended by OCR for study practice for the Unseen poem, a feature of GCSE English Literature examinations.

My poems have also been used in connection with Oxfam, The Samaritans and by the Open University.

I have co-authored several GCSE textbooks for OUP, and written several focus books for Greenwich Exchange.

I am a Teachit key contributor and have uploaded many popular resources over the years.


Filed under Able Writers, Children's Poetry, Education, poetry, Poets in schools, Salt

4 responses to “Angela Topping’s Poetry in Education

  1. Paul Beech

    Hi Angela – Fascinating, isn’t it, how a poet’s day-job or former day-job can enrich his or her creative work, and how the poetry can feed back into the day-job or profession? I’m thinking of clergyman-poet R.S.Thomas, boxer-poet Vernon Scannell, farmer-poet Robert Frost and of course soldier-poets such as Wilfred Owen in WWI and Keith Douglas in WWII. And I’m thinking of you!

    Seems you can take the teacher-poet out of the classroom but you can’t take the classroom out of the teacher-poet…or stop her going back in there again and again and again! It’s great that your poems are in classrooms. And it’s great that you’re going back in with your whole battery of workshopping techniques to inspire and develop the poets and writers of tomorrow. Group poems such as ‘The Werewolf’s Year’ and ‘Death Door Dave, The Turtlejack’ just go to show what can be done. So hats off to you!


  2. Jacqueline

    Hi angela,this is probably not the best way to contact you, but I hope you don’t mind.I don’t know if you remember Jacqui Foster from broughton hall,but hello.I was looking for something on broughtons website and saw you were named as one of its alumni,and it took me right back to our school visit to Lourdes,I am so pleased that you are so successful,xxja

    • Of course I remember you, very well indeed. Do you ever think of coming to a reunion? We are down to a smaller group and hope to meet more often. If you like you can email me on and I will catch you up with news and get you on the email list. It would be lovely to see you again. Thanks for getting in touch and I hope you are well and happy xx